Monday, November 11, 2013

Sielos Festival

This weekend was busy! One of the activities I did was go to a Christian music festival called Sielos. The LCC Chapel band played as well as another band I'm in with Josh and Alisha Garber, two fellow faculty from LCC. There were 7 of us in total, and we drove about 90 minutes to get to Taurage, where the festival was. We did sound checks, then ate lunch and played some Uno, and then went to perform in two different venues. We stuck around afterwards to hear another band from Klaipeda play, and then drove back home. The middle of Lithuania is pretty dark and feels like the middle of no where so late at night! We had a good time of worshipping, hanging out and laughing together - a long but fun day. These photos are all from Angelina, who is a student member of the Chapel band.

the festival logo... we could not figure out why the first "s" is partially cut off.

while playing Uno and hanging out before performing, we gained some fans!

more hanging out time... with weird gummy worms
L-R: blurry fan, Alisha, Nati and Lera

the only picture of headless me playing the bass during Josh, Alisha's and my performance

Josh and Alisha singing and playing.
Josh can play the drums, guitar and sing at the same time, which was pretty amazing to the sound guys - they thought he was some kind of acrobat!

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