Monday, June 27, 2011

a new chapter....

Hello All!

As most of you may already know, I'm moving to Lithuania in about one month! I'm wanting to blog about my experiences there, and since I'm beginning to send out photo and thank you cards w/ this address, I figure I should probably start blogging! :) I'm a bit late in the game, but better late than never....

A few months ago, I began to feel a bit more restless than I have been for a long time - I generally like consistency and routine, and so this surprised me a bit. I decided to pay attention to that little voice begin to look at some other possibilities for the future.

I applied for several jobs, and the only one that worked out was going to Lithuania. Originally, I had asked my friend Susie (who works at LCC) about a Resident Director job, but the position was no longer available. She suggested that I look at a different position there, but as I read the job description, it didn't quite feel like the right fit for me. One evening, as I was leaving work, I got a call from Susie saying that because of some recent restructuring, there was another RD position open! I was extremely excited and could tell that a new adventure was at my fingertips. That weekend, I had an interview with LCC and filled out the application, etc. It took a couple weeks for everything to be completed, but I was offered the job!

I was given a couple days to pray and process before officially accepting, and even though I was really excited, I had mixed emotions for the first day or so. Decisions don't come easy to me, and I talked to and prayed with lots of people. But the day before I had to make a final decision, some friends from church and I took a walk, and they encouraged and prayed for me, and the thing that had been praying for - peace - finally came!

And so begins a new chapter of my life.... It all feels very overwhelming, challenging and scary, but also like I'm taking a step of faith which is exhilarating! I leave on July 30th, and the closer that day gets, the more excited I am for such a unique opportunity. I can't wait to make new friends, experience a different culture, and do full-time ministry!

It's exciting to have you all along for the ride! I'm looking forward to sharing with you over the next year (or more)!

p.s. I've never been that good at writing, and I this blog is going to be challenging for me - I can tell already - so I'd love to hear what you think! And I'll make everything more exciting w/ a background and pictures once I figure out how! :)

Below is some of the letter that I sent to friends and family to share the news....

A little over a month ago, I got a call from a good friend who invited me to interview for a job at the university where she works. It’s all gone very fast, but through the interview process, talking to friends and mentors, and the overwhelming peace I feel about this new opportunity, I’ve decided to accept!

The position is a Resident Director at LCC International University. I will be in charge of a team of four Resident Assistants for one dorm on campus. This is a full-time opportunity for me to develop my leadership and service gifts. I’m excited about interacting with students on a daily basis and being present in the midst of their learning and growth outside of the classroom. I anticipate that this will be some of the most challenging AND rewarding work that I’ve ever done!

The other big difference about this position is that it’s at LCC, which stands for Lithuania Christian College. So, I’ll be moving to Lithuania! This country is in Eastern Europe, and borders Poland, Belarus, Russia, Latvia, and the Baltic Sea. Don’t worry - I had to look it up on the map too! I’m looking forward to the chance to learn about another culture and to support the mission of the college. LCC was formed to create leaders for Eastern Europe who can influence their home communities within the context of a Christian worldview. I find it extremely appealing to be in an environment where students receive education as well as learn and discuss issues of faith. You can find more information about the college and their mission on their website,