Sunday, September 15, 2013

Half Marathon Results

Today I ran a half marathon (13.1 miles/21.1 km)! This summer I started running again (little by little) after having knee problems for 1.5 years, and was finally able to work up to the race today! My knees and legs are sore right now, but it was so worth it. I went with 7 other colleages from LCC - 5 who ran and 2 who took some pictures of us and walked around Vilnius while we were racing. It was a cool morning, and there were LOTS of other runners there. I don't know exact numbers, but I'm pretty sure there were over 1000 in the half marathon alone.

I ran another half marathon race 3 years ago, and got a time of 1:54, which I was really happy with. Because my left knee was sore before we started, I was just hoping for anything under 2 hours. But, I was able to get 1:54 AGAIN! The worst part of the race for me was between 16-19 km, when there were a few hills and I got really tired and sore. Right after we crossed the finish line, we had to stand in a huge crowd to wait for our medals, and my legs tensed up fast. But after I got my medal, I found the others who ran and we took pictures and went to eat Indian food to celebrate! (Thanks to Sarune for all the instagram pictures. I hope more will be coming soon.)

the night before the race... getting ready mentally

1 hour before the race started... nervous but excited

afterwards... tired and happy to be done!
L-R: me, Sanna, Sarune and Robin
I need to get me a blue shirt! :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kayla! Will you ever do a half marathon? I know you like running! :)
