Sunday, November 20, 2011

RA Thanksgiving

Tonight Alex, Levi, Susie and I made a traditional American Thanksgiving meal for all of our RA's. There were 17 of us around the table! We had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, crescent rolls, stuffed mushrooms, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, cranberry salad, lettuce salad, stuffing, corn, party mix, pumpkin pie and apple cider. SO MUCH FOOD! We shared just a bit about why we celebrate Thanksgiving, and explained all of our dishes. We also went around the table and each said things we were thankful for.

We ate, played games and talked in Alex's apartment, which I really enjoyed. Even though I'm far away from home, it felt like I was with family - a cozy house, good food and friends. After the meal, we went to another room to watch the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" to kick off the Christmas season. We still have several more Thanksgivings to go before it's officially Christmas season, but since LCC lets out on December 16 for winter break, we get to celebrate Christmas already!

 I've never cut a turkey before!!!


waiting patiently to eat
Iuna, Tanya, Ira, Melisa, Kristine & Natallia

more waiting...
Levi, Alex and Ira

the feast begins!

Playing Dutch Blitz - the new favorite game of many RA's

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